Himno Nacional Mexicano

Mexican National Anthem

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Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra,
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra,
¡al sonoro rugir del cañón!

Estrofa I

Ciña ¡oh Patria! tus sienes de oliva
de la paz el arcángel divino,
que en el cielo tu eterno destino
por el dedo de Dios se escribió.
Mas si osare un extraño enemigo
profanar con su planta tu suelo,
piensa ¡oh Patria querida! que el cielo
un soldado en cada hijo te dio.


Estrofa V

¡Guerra, guerra! sin tregua al que intente
De la patria manchar los blasones!
¡Guerra, guerra! Los patrios pendones
En las olas de sangre empapad.
¡Guerra, guerra! En el monte, en el valle
Los cañones horrísonos truenen,
Y los ecos sonoros resuenen
Con las voces de ¡Unión! ¡Libertad!


Estrofa VI

Antes, patria, que inermes tus hijos
Bajo el yugo su cuello dobleguen,
Tus campiñas con sangre se rieguen,
Sobre sangre se estampe su pie.
Y tus templos, palacios y torres
Se derrumben con hórrido estruendo,
Y sus ruinas existan diciendo:
De mil héroes la patria aquí fue.


Estrofa X

¡Patria! ¡Patria! Tus hijos te juran
Exhalar en tus aras su aliento,
Si el clarín con su bélico acento
los convoca a lidiar con valor.
¡Para ti las guirnaldas de oliva!
¡Un recuerdo para ellos de gloria!
¡Un laurel para ti de victoria!
¡Un sepulcro para ellos de honor!

Chorus (literal translation)

Mexicans, at the cry of war,
ready the steel and the bridle,
and the Earth trembles at its core
to the resounding roar of the cannon.
and the Earth trembles at its core
to the resounding roar of the cannon!

1st stanza

Gird Oh Fatherland!, your temples of olive
by the peace of the divine archangel,
for in heaven is your eternal destiny
which was written by the finger of God.
If, however, a foreign enemy would dare
to profane Your ground with its sole,
think, Oh beloved Fatherland!, that Heaven
has given a soldier in every son.


Stanza V

War, war! without quarter to any who dare
to tarnish the coats of arms of the country!
War, war! Let the national banners
be soaked in waves of blood.
War, war! In the mountain, in the valley,
let the cannons thunder in horrid unison
and may the sonorous echoes resound
with cries of Union! Liberty!


Stanza VI

O, Fatherland, ere your children, defenseless
bend their neck beneath the yoke,
may your fields be watered with blood,
may their foot be printed in blood.
And may your temples, palaces and towers
collapse with horrid clamor,
and may their ruins continue on, saying:
Of one thousand heroes, here the Fatherland once was.


Stanza X

Fatherland! Fatherland! Your children swear to you
to breathe their last for your sake,
if the bugle with its bellicose accent
calls them together to battle with courage.
For you, the olive wreaths!
For them, a reminder of glory!
For you, a laurel of victory!
For them, a tomb of honor!

Chorus (poetic translation)

At the loud cry of war all assemble,
Then your swords and your steeds all prepare,
and the Earth to its center shall tremble
when the cannon’s deep roar rends the air.
and the Earth to its center shall tremble
when the cannon’s deep roar rends the air!

1st stanza

Oh my country entwine on thy temples
boughs of olive so fresh and so vernal,
when inscribed in the heavens eternal
blessed peace for all the land thou dost see.
But if stranger and foe in their boldness
dare to tread on thy soil, they must perish,
then, oh my country, this thought only cherish
every son is but a soldier for thee.

Song Details

  • Adopted : 1943
  • Country : Mexico
  • Language(s) : Spanish

  • Team Members

  • Lyrics : Francisco González Bocanegra, 1853
  • Music : Jaime Nunó, 1854
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